Kapilvastu Museum in Nepal, Museums
There is an array of magnificent museums situated all over the beautiful country of Nepal, each with their own beauty and distinction. In the case of the Kapilvastu Museum diversity also belongs within the Nepali museum, with its abundance of past history reserved in its mass collection of artifacts.
The Museum is located approximately 26km away from the little town of Lumbini in Tilaruakot, Nepal. It is at Kapilvastu Museum that you will also find the archaeological ruins of the once gracious Tilaurakot Palace complex, renowned because of its direct association to the original birthplace and home of ‘Lord Buddha’. Interestingly as Buddha was growing many knew him as the Shakya dynasty prince until he renounced his identity just 29 years after his birth so as to search out enlightenment. However, it must be noted that no clear evidence has ever been unearthed to confirm these details.
The legend carries on and speaks of the garden of ‘Lumbini’ and is mentioned in different parts of the early scriptures with titles like: Lumbini Canana, Lumbini Upavana, Lumbini Vatica and Lumbini Cittalavana and is situated along the banks of the river Telar on the extreme edge of the magnificent Sakya Kingdom of Kapilvastu.
The legend goes on to speak of the queen of the Sakya King Sudhodhana of Kapilvastu, Maya Devi, who whilst heavily pregnant began to slowly make her journey to her maternal home in Devadaha. It was along this way that she happened to come across the little town of Lumbini. It was dark with a full moon, the month was called Vaisakha, about 623 years before the birth of Christ. It was on this particular occasion that she took to dipping her heavily pregnant body into the Sakya Puskarini, thereafter she proceeded to make her way north. Then suddenly the Queen went into labor forcing her to grab hold of a branch on the Sala tree thus Queen Maya Devi finally gave birth to ‘Lord Buddha’.
Museums have always fascinated people, because for a short period of time you’re whisked away to a new world filled with legends past down from one family to another, daily hardships and past joys. In some cases you will find evidence dating from the seventh century B.C. all the way to the fourth century AD. Its then that it begins to dawn on you that although times have changed, people were still like you and me, the difference is they lived thousands of years ago. All of this can be found here in the Kapilvastu Museum. Amongst all the Nepali museum’s artifacts you will find intriguing collections of coins, toys, ornaments and pottery, each with a tale to tell. The most special of all the collections is the matchless assortment of jewelry pieces, most in pristine condition.
The Kapilvastu Museum is open every day except on a Thursday and any government holidays throughout the year.