Nepal Health Advice, Travel Info
A variety of measures are suggested to ensure good health in Nepal and therefore a comfortable and pleasant holiday. provides you with some travel health advice for Nepal, so that you can enjoy your vacation to the full. We have conveniently divided the health tips into sections for easy reference, we trust that you will find these points truly valuable on your travels.
A few vaccinations have been recommended to protect the tourist’s health in Nepal. It is important that all your routine vaccinations are up-to-date. It is advisable to make an appointment with your health care professional for immunization against Hepatitis A and Typhoid. If you are traveling from an area which is known to have yellow-fever, you will require a certificate stating you have been vaccinated. You may want to consider a polio booster, but first consult your doctor. If you are planning on traveling to rural areas in Nepal for an extended period, it is best to be immunized for Japanese encephalitis. Hepatitis B vaccination is only necessary if you are to have ‘intimate contact’ with locals. Consider a rabies vaccination if you think you will come in contact with animals. If you have not had a Tetanus-diphtheria shot in ten years, go for revaccination.
Malaria prophylaxis is not necessary in high lying areas such as Kathmandu and Pokhara. Areas of risk are Dhanukkha, Parsa, Sarlahi, Bara, Kapilavastu, Rupendehi, Mahotari and Rautahat. When entering malaria zones ensure you take measures to prevent bites by using insect repellent sprays, sticks or lotions and sleeping under a mosquito net.
A Japanese encephalitis outbreak occurred in August of 2005, mostly in the western areas of Nepal. A polio case was reported in August 2005 and May 2006. Typhoid fever has been discovered amongst Nepal’s travelers. The disease appears to becoming more resistant to the antibiotics typically used in treatment. There have been outbreaks of hepatitis E in Nepal. Leptospirosis and Lymphatic filariasis occur in Nepal.
Food and Water
Water, even tap water should be boiled or undergo some other method of sterilization before drunk, used for brushing teeth or when making ice. Milk must be boiled. Tinned and powdered milk can be used, but only if mixed with purified water. View food from street vendors as suspect. Ensure all meats are properly cooked and served hot.
Medical Facilities
Due to Nepal’s underdeveloped infrastructure, medical facilities are limited. Hospitals will usually have staff members who can speak English. Certain hotels may employ their own doctors. Easily accessible hospitals include Patan Hospital (Lagankhel), Western Regional Hospital and United Mission Hospital (Tansen). It is strongly advised that you organize travel health insurance for Nepal before you leave home.